From:Mark Virtue - HarmonySite <>
Sent:Tuesday, 6 February 2024 3:56:02pm
Subject:Several new features in your HarmonySite

Dear HarmonySite Administrator,


Several new features to announce today...


1. Newsletters can now include Photo Albums


In case you're not aware, HarmonySite newsletters are created by assembling existing items from around your website - news items, upcoming events, and ad hoc custom items, all wrapped up with an introductory paragraph and a table of contents.   NOW the items you can use to assemble a newsletter also include photo albums (from your Photos page).  So it's now a one-click action to include a photo album in a newsletter.



2. Logins page now has latest/earliest logins


The "Member Logins" page (found by clicking the "Member Logins" link on your Admin Dashboard) can now include the date/time of the FIRST and MOST RECENT logins by that member using that username.  And example is shown below...



Note that for these columns to be shown, you must enable the "Login/Logout Events" system.  If you want those columns shown, then do the following...


  1. Visit your Admin Dashboard
  2. In the right-hand column, on the "Members" line, click the "Login/logout events" link
  3. If that system is already enabled, you'll see a list of events.  There's nothing you need to do.
  4. If all you see is a box called "Create Table", then click the "Create" button in that box.


Once you enabled that, you can also see when members have logged into the HarmonySite APP.  Just visit the "APP" page in your HarmonySite.



3.  Song Collections/Alternative Song Titles


Some new fields have been added to each song...




Hopefully the reason for these additions is clear.


To add a song to a "collection", you'll first need to create the collection.  To do so, click the little link called "Click here to add/update/remove Song Collection items", then click the "Add new collection" button and fill in the details.


Once you've added your relevant songs to any collections they might be in, you can then go and examine the collections themselves.  On your Admin Dashboard, on the "Songs" line, there's a new link called "Song Collections".  Click that link and you'll see something that looks like this...




4.  TikTok link for your ensemble


To go with your Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, etc links/icons on your site, we have now added TikTok.


To add your ensemble's TikTok link/icon to your site...


  1. Click the little "cog" icon in the top-right corner
  2. Click the cog icon next to the relevant ensemble
  3. Click the "Promotion" tab, and scroll to the bottom...


A screenshot of a login page

Description automatically generated



5. Enhancements to Checkout Questions


As you may know, HarmonySite offers a feature called "checkout questions".  You can compile a set of questions that can be asked during the checkout process, when people are purchasing any of the following...



For each of the above, you can nominate which of the questions in your database should be asked during the checkout process whenever someone purchases that particular item.


This system has been enhanced now, as follows...


  1. Each question had a box called "Full description", where you could fully describe what the question was about.  That description wasn't ever actually shown anywhere.  Now it gets shown during the checkout process, and is now also shown on the confirmation emails that the purchaser receives.
  2. It's now possible to add a "question" that's not really a question - but instead is just some information to present to the purchaser during checkout (a question that doesn't need an answer).  "Why would we want that?" I hear you ask.  Simply so that the information can also be shown in the confirmation email that the purchaser receives.  So if you ever have information that you want people to always be able to see regarding their purchase, especially on the confirmation email, you can now add that as a "question".  When selecting the question's "type", you would select "No response required - information only"...



That's all for now.  If you have any questions about any of the above, please email  Please don't reply to this email (unless you want to be unsubscribed from this mailing list).


In harmony,


Mark Virtue



+61 2 8005 4277 (Australian number)

In North America, call:  1-415-651-7009 (San Francisco number)

Skype name:  mvirtue

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